Great Organization Worth Supporting! Warrior Dog Foundation @WarriorDogs
Warrior Dog Foundation is dedicated to serving the special operations community, families, and Special OperationForces (SOF) working K-9 military dogs.
Warrior Dog Foundation helps to transition dogs from an operational environment into our state-of-the-art kennel facility. We strive to educate the public on the importance of K-9s in the combat environment, and showcase the level of sacrifice these dogs give in support of our troops. We care for each individual SOF K-9 with dignity and grace, including both mental and physical rehabilitation for the rest of their lives.
Watch Foundation founder Mike Ritland’s “60 Minutes” Interview to learn more about dogs in combat.
Thier Book: "Trident K9 Warriors"
Trident K9 Warriors @WarriorDogs gives readers an inside look at elite canines:
Who they are, how they are trained, and the extreme missions they undertake saving countless lives, asking for little in the way of reward.
Support Special Operation Forces K-9 warriors as we rehabilitate them and find them forever homes.
Hit "Like"!/TridentK9Warriors
53 Veterans Dia A Day Waiting For Benefits! #SOT Concerned Veterans @ConcernedVets #Petition Change VA backlog
Watch the video:
#SOT @ConcernedVets #Petition Change VA backlog at
I SUPPORT Concerned Veterans @ConcernedVets
Standing up for policies that will preserve the freedom & liberty our vets their families proudly fought to defend.
Good Neighbors Work to Prevent Suicide via @WGRZ
An article on Ontario Provincial Police and #PTSD and the need for more #education
Fort Cambell @FortCampbell emphasizes suicide prevention #StopSoldierSuicide
Sexual dysfunction an overlooked part of #TBI - - #PTSD #mentalhealth #sexualhealth #vets #trauma #health #medicine
On May 8, @MarielHemingway will host the @AFSPNational's Lifesavers Dinner in NYC. Please attend or donate: #honored
Medal of Honor veterans discuss #combat #stress and how reaching out for help takes real strength:
"A Marine and His Dog in Afghanistan" by #USMarine @Kevin_Hanrahan #dog #SOT
"Dogs: A front Line Defense Against IED in #Afghanistan" by #USMarine @Kevin_Hanrahan #dog #SOT"
Public Accommodation for #Wounded and #Disabled #Veterans' #SOT
How do #militarychildren handle mild traumatic brain injury? Find out in this @DCoEPage video: #milhealth
The @DeptVetAffairs Launches Hotline to Answer Questions on VA Health Care and Benefits for Women Veterans #womenvets
The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors is looking for mentors to help #Milkids at Good Grief summer camp:
"A Soldier Sees Enough Death For a Lifetime After 11 years of War" by #USMarine @Kevin_Hanrahan
More Mentally Ill Becoming Homeless Because States Won't HelpState governments across the United States are slashing funding for services for the mentally ill. The unsurprising result is more mentally ill people without homes
About one in five homeless Central Floridians once wore our country's colors.
Darryl E. Owens: Homeless vet wants to take issue to the stage -
'Tent to Tent': Homeless veterans' stories may play out on stage,0,378317.column
Jodi House @JodiHouse
Welcome to Jodi House Brain Injury Support Center! Since 1982, Jodi House has been helping survivors and their families cope with life after brain injury.
Santa Barbara, CA ·
Soldiers' Art: What traumatic brain injury feels like Pictures - CBS News
Active-duty military members suffering from PTSD and traumatic brain injuries made these masks in an art therapy group at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence, located at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.
Secretive world of working dogs
Working dogs like those used domestically for anti-terror operations are also saving the lives of American soldiers on the battlefield.
National TBI and Emotional Wellness Alliance
In order to advance understanding of Traumatic Brain Injury and its mental and emotional impact, MHA-NYC has developed three collaborative Councils with a TBI and Emotional Wellness Alliance, ("The Alliance") as the hub.
The goal is to drive awareness, science-based information, and sound policy and advocacy initiatives at the convergence of mental health and TBI issues from the schoolyard, to the stadium, and on the battlefield.
#TBI #Video Frontal Lobe and Social Challenges After Traumatic
Freedom by Sebastian Junger
*Freedom* by Sebastian Junger is first and foremost a Quest or Journey
Away, an adventure leaving home. Junger and his friends walk the railroad
2 days ago