Tuesday, March 8

Sharing my boss’s “shout-out” – We Need Community Leaders !!!!

Hi Everybody,.. As most of you know i am a proud partner with Spencer Oland founder of Generations of Warriors Project,.. He’s a terrific guy, doing great things for our returning warriors and well,.. he had a ‘shout-out’ back in January that I would like to bring back to the spotlight.

The following is a reprint from his posting ~ We Need Community Leaders for BIG ORANGE Council

gowarriorsproject logo

I've been out of commission for a few months with surgery and a bout with severe nightmares and sleep loss, but the good news is that I'm back! 

Yesterday is gone forever and I have today to do something positive with my time.  I have to talk to myself from time to time.  Maybe I'm getting old...heh heh.

I woke the other day to this thought that just won't leave me so I am going to follow through with what it's telling me.  It started with an image of an orange banner on a pole, about 10" tall and stuck into a piece of wood at a slight angle upon a business person's desk.  It identified him as an Orange Council member or as an Orange Banner Business. 

These past months have shown me that I need help...that simple...I ain't  Superman.  For GOWP to be effective, we need some folks to step forward and take the mission of GOWP on by volunteering to organize community leaders into an effective force in helping those with mental wounds from their military service.  It doesn't matter whether the volunteers are former military or not.  Many things motivate people & we don't want to restrict participation certainly.  There needs to be a council of people dedicated to making it possible for the mentally wounded to reintegrate into society and it's going to take caring leaders of the community to get that mission accomplished.

I'm not sure what it is gong to take to get it started, but I'm going to work on the prototype council right here in the Richland area.  Right now GOWP is a small group that has little experience in this activism process and most of us are PTSD-wounded veterans of the Vietnam War.  We are what I call, "the inmates running the asylum". 

I'll post again to keep y'all up to date on our progress. Posted by Spencer Oland. Posted In : BIG ORANGE

Since then me and Spencer has had the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and expand our team network we proudly call the BIG ORANGE Council.  As of right now, we off to a pretty dam good start, but,.. there’s a lot of states to cover !!!

Our goal,.. to make a little more clearer is this,..

Have at least 1 person (preferably more) per state that is willing to gather all the resources and information available for Veterans and their families within their state and be reachable to give and share that information with others.  Also we need leaders willing to sign up to be a speaker for their state, to advocate and educate, they are our “boot’s on the ground’.  We also need professionals from the different states that's willing to sign up and volunteer their services from time to time.  that’s about it in a nutshell, well for starters anyways. 

Everybody and Anybody reading this has that special something they can offer,… even if your just a teenager reading this, heck you can sign up to volunteer mowing a wounded warriors yard in your neighborhood.  All anybody needs is a little heart and a little time.

If you’d like to participate,.. please contact me at


P.S.  - Please pass this around !!! Much Appreciated !!! HOOAH !!!!


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