Hi Everybody,..
I set this blog up to be a page for some quick links to articals and information I hope you found to be useful.
So whats next for me coming up ? I am opening my own website,... it has many pages full of information and resources as the ones you found on this blog, it has a directory, phone book, project updates, shout outs, downloadable free PDF's and E-Books. It also has a community section so whether you partake on facebook,myspace, twitter and so forth, you will be able to directly connect with those your intrested in connecting with. It will be launching soon,.. I will keep you posted !!!
As for right now,.. I am packing up and heading out in the morning to Killeen, Texas to bring my son home. Its been a long long time since I had him at home,.. Its nice knowing I don't have to share him with the world no more,.. I am blessed.
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