A very dear and personal friend of mine Tom is a disabled veteran who has fallen on hard times and is needing a temperary Emergency "Hand Up" in order to save his house and car and I'm personally asking for your help in helping him. He means the WORLD too me and I will share with you later in this post why and how he had made such a impact on my life personally. But first,.. I'd like to share with you the service he gave for our country. Tom served in the Army Infantry on the front lines during Desert Shield & Desert Storm where his unit recieved the Valorous Unit Award.
I have worked with and assisted many veterans over the past 9 years and now I'm working with Tom and this project / "Mission" is the most important one I have EVER worked on because this hits home for me concidering how much I admire and care for him, and if EVER there was a "case" I needed to get right and be sucessful,.. this is it! But unfortantly I dont personally have the funds to assist him so I am reaching out to all those who know me and all those who has it in their heart to help a veteran out,.. and I am asking from the very bottom of my heart to PLEASE help me,.. help Tom.
I have a lot of resources but out of ALL of them I can't seem to find any organization that assists Pre 9/11 veterans.... It's been like finding a needle in the haystack and I hav'nt found it and Tom is about to lose everything,.. and I would personally go to hell and back to find him the help he needs. The best I have been able to come up with is partnering up with Raven Black and setting up a Go Fund Me for Tom http://www.goo.gl/KPZeot Unfortantly over the past 8 days only 100 of the 2,000 needed has been raised. But God willing I am hoping the donations will start coming in for him and this is why,...
Tom is so deserving of a blessing, not just because he served our country but because he is a good good man,.. This I KNOW because back in 2008 when my son JB deployed to Afghanistan (who was also Army Infantry) I was besides myself with the fear he wouldn't make it home alive and Tom took me under his wing and was there for me anytime I needed to talk or just cry, day or night,.. and he was my constant reminder to keep my faith that God was with my son, and he'd return to me. (Which JB did). Without the support of Tom,.. that deployment would of been more than i could of bared for I didn't have no one I could turn to to help me find the "Calm" I needed so bad,.. being a single Mom. He just means the WORLD to me,.. and it's breaking my heart seeing him in this crisis and him losing everything he has,.. just so aint right.
So again,.. I am personally PLEADING for help on this one,... It would be MUCH APPRECIATED!!!
Freedom by Sebastian Junger
*Freedom* by Sebastian Junger is first and foremost a Quest or Journey
Away, an adventure leaving home. Junger and his friends walk the railroad
3 days ago
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