So as always,.. Warfighter Boone Cutler put on another FANTASTIC podcast - He has a Call To Action #VATHERIGHTWAY campaign TAKING THE WEST LA VA CAMPUS BACK FOR VETERANS "In January 2015, VA Secretary Bob McDonald signed a settlement agreement in a class action lawsuit (Valentini v Shinseki) regarding encroachment on the campus of the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs facility. The agreement established a nonprofit, Vets Advocacy, to serve as a partner in the West LA VA master planning process."
The West LA VA in California sits on 388 acres of land that can be rebuilt, turning it into a 21st Century VA and a much needed community built on and based on the veterans and warfighters opinions of their needs.
BUT THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN FIRST,.... Here's The Call To Action: And there's less than 30 days left!!!
Veterans, Warfighters and Caregivers are needed to take the quick and simple survey at and share your opinion,.. The numbers are needed!!!
Warfighter Supporters,.. You are needed to get this information out to the public! Please take the few moments and share this with veterans you may know and share with those in your online community groups.
ALL of us together collectively, can rally and make this happen!!! It can be the turning point our veterans need and are very deserving of,..
Heres just a few of the many snippits from his show that really is worth listening too,..
#VATheRightWay The Time Is Now Be part of the Solution podcast with @boonecutler & Sean Patrick
They discuss how this VA facility on 388 acres of land can be transformed into something that can really assist the veterans and warfighters.
Look at the survey and read the deed,.. Veterans opinions matter! And this is your oppertunity to make a change.
" #VaTheRightWay Daniel from GruntStyle & Michael Broderick" podcast with @boonecutler
Discussion speaking about the VA facility in California on 388 acres that comes with funding and veterans/warfighters gets to decide what they want, what they need,.. by sharing their opinions by taking a survey
" #VATheRightWay Brigette McCoy Live Work Play " podcast with @boonecutler
Excellent conversation regarding #VaTheRightWay The possiabilities are endless to turning a broke VA facility sitting on 388 acres of land and turning it into a 21st Century VA and a much needed community built on and based on the veterans and warfighters opinions of their needs. But action is NEEDED! Veterans, Warfighters and Caregivers are being asked to take a simple & quick survey. The numbers are needed to secure this Great oppertunity our Warfighters deserve! Theres less than 30 days!!!
"sgt to ceo author stops in" #VATheRightWay podcast with @boonecutler
GREAT conversation about what can become of the 388 acres of land that could be rebuilt to better serve our warfighters. Boone speaks of a potential Warfighter University, and what it could offer, his thoughts on it speaks Volumes!!!
Please Support,..
Vets Advocacy @VATheRightWay
A veterans advocacy organization overseeing revitalization of the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Campus. Read the deed, take the survey, share
Freedom by Sebastian Junger
*Freedom* by Sebastian Junger is first and foremost a Quest or Journey
Away, an adventure leaving home. Junger and his friends walk the railroad
3 days ago
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