I just wanted to share these videos with everbody,... They were just downloaded a couple of days ago and they are Amazing !!! So much history regaurding the United States Air Force and also has great footage and recordings.
As we ALL know we have the Best of the Best when it comes to our Military, however one man by the name of Benjamin "Benny" D. Foulois led the way to the devlopment of the U.S. Air Force. U.S. Army General Foulois was the first person who learned to fly the first military palnes that were purchased from the Wright brothers, making his first solo flight on March 2, 1910. He became the first military pilot and performed numerous military aviation "firsts". He was also the son of a French Veteran who served in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). These videos will cover the couragous acts performed by General Foulois, along with a few others that help mold what the U.S. Air Force is today including Neil Armstrong.
If you like this video take a look at some of the 2000+ other videos with 11.75 million views on this channel !!! http://www.youtube.com/user/3rdlD8487 "Military Videos not seen on the news".
Follow "Military Videos" on Facebook now too !!! http://www.facebook.com/profile?id=100001725265467#!id=10001725265467&sk=info
To ALL Those Serving,... Past, Present or Future,... "Thank You" and know your Appreciated very much !!!!
Freedom by Sebastian Junger
*Freedom* by Sebastian Junger is first and foremost a Quest or Journey
Away, an adventure leaving home. Junger and his friends walk the railroad
3 days ago
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