It was brought to my attention today that Bob Calvert from Talking With Heroes released 6 new video's !!! And I got to say, it's really super nice to hear about the good stuff, especially when the main news media only wants to report on the bad times.
Another reason why I like Bob's shows are becuase even though he is hosting, he always makes his main focus on our warrior's and gives them the platform to say what's on thier minds and gives them the ability to share thier lives with us. Much can be learned and I encourage you to pass on these videos to as many people as you can !!!
Another reason why I like Bob's shows are becuase even though he is hosting, he always makes his main focus on our warrior's and gives them the platform to say what's on thier minds and gives them the ability to share thier lives with us. Much can be learned and I encourage you to pass on these videos to as many people as you can !!!
13 Ft.Carson Soldiers in Garry Owen, Iraq Part 1 -SSG James Hitch, CPL Joshua Clyne, SPC Stephen Fleming, SFC Jason Obermuller, PFC Andrew Long, SPC Isreal Lopez, PV2 Thomas Burgess, SPC Kyle Ouimet, SGT Jeremy Payne, 2LT Boykin Lucas, 2LT Timothy Lewin, SPC Christopher McChesney, SGT Nathan Begly as they talk about progress, multiple deployments and projects they have been working on. All of these soldiers have worked with the Provincial Reconstruction Team.
Ft Carson Soldiers in Garry Owen, Iraq Part 2
PFC Zachary Callahan talks about progress. SSG Kennth Sargent (on his 4th deployment & a project manager) talks about progress, multiple deployments and projects they have been working on. They with the provincial reconstruction Team.
1st GT Jason Maynard with FT Carsons 3BCT 4ID 1-8 Infantry Division 3-29 Field Artillery He is originally from South Dakota. He has served for 18 yeaars and is on his 3rd deployment to Iraq with 5 deployments total. He talks about assisting and training Iraqis, helping to rebuild Iraq, about specific projects, about his troops, care packages like from one group SoldiersAngels.org plus he says hello to his family back home.
Major James Hitt with the 358 civil Affairs Brigade out of March Air Force base in Calif.
He has been in the military for 28 years. He is the Deputy Team Leader for thier Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT). He oversees thier 25 member team. Major Hitt talks about thier PRT and Reconstruction Projects including bridges, schools and more, He talks about being a Street Policeman in 1992. He talks about the progress he has been part of in Iraq.
2lT michael Bailey from Vermont with Ft. Carsons Alpha Batter 3-29 Field Artillery serving in Garry Owen, Iraq.
He is the Artillery Battery fire support officer and economic and political Provincial Reconstruction Team Leader (PRT). He talks about the PRT and assisting and aiding Iraqi people and projects helping the Iraqi people. He said he has family and friends who have served tours in Iraq and some who lost thier lives.
SFC Obermueller show us thier living quarters and gym area in Iraq
SFC Jason Obermuller in Garry Owen, Iraq with Ft. Carson 3BCT 4ID 1-8 Infantry Division 3-29 show us what they did with insulating thier tents with foam to keep the heat out. He takes us inside thier living quarters including his own. He shows us thier gym area which is outside. He gives a shout out to his wife, his kids, his sister, brother, mom and dad.
Show your Support to our Troops and Bob by visiting and subscribing to the Talking With Heroe's Youtube page at: http://www.youtube.com/bobc9246
Remember to click the "Like" button on thier video's and share their links !!!
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